Status and Next Steps

This is an early and incomplete protocol design proposal. It has not been well vetted for feasibility and safety. It has not had broad review from the Zcash community, so its status on any Zcash roadmap is undetermined.

Current Components

This Book

This book is intended to become both a high-level overview and introduction to TFL, and a full specification.

The current heart of the design work is an in-progress hybrid consensus protocol construction called Crosslink (definition). This is defined in the Crosslink chapter.


We've begun creating a simulator called simtfl which we will use to model security and abstract performance concerns. Its development is tracked at

Major Missing Components

  • PoS subprotocol selection,
  • Issuance and supply mechanics, such as how much ZEC stakers may earn,
  • Integrated Zcash transaction semantics,
  • A transition plan from current Zcash mainnet to this protocol design,
  • ZIPs specifying the above to the level of specificity required by ZIPs,
  • Security and safety analyses,
  • Economic analyses.

This list may be incomplete, and as the design matures the need for major new components may be revealed.

Next Steps

This design proposal is being developed by Electric Coin Company and Shielded Labs as the first major milestone in our focus of deploying Proof-of-Stake to the Zcash protocol. Our rough near-term plan for this proposal is as follows:

  1. Complete the Crosslink description.
  2. Complete core security arguments for Crosslink.
  3. Define the Major Missing Components above, including considerations such as issuance mechanics and Proof-of-Stake mechanisms.
  4. Complete auxillary security arguments and analyses, such as specific attack scenarios, game-theoretic security, and so forth.
  5. Mature simtfl to analyze all cases of interest.
  6. Follow the general Zcash process for proposal/review/refinement, including proposing one or more ZIPs.
  7. Follow the general Zcash governance process for proposal review and refinement.
  8. If accepted, productionize the proposal in ECC products and collaborate with other implementors who implement the proposal.
  9. Celebrate when and if the proposal is activated on Mainnet. 🎉

The fine-grained day-to-day goals and tasks for this project are present in the Zcash Developers Hub in the TFL-focused DAG.

Please also see Get Involved if you are interested in tracking this progress more closely, or in contributing.